Old song... I know! But, I'm in the mood for some beautiful songs like this one.
6:30 winter morn Snow keeps falling, silent dawn A rose by any other name Eva leaves her Swanbrook home A kindest heart which always made Me ashamed of my own She walks alone but not without her name
Eva flies away Dreams the world far away In this cruel children's game There's no friend to call her name Eva sails away Dreams the world far away The Good in her will be my sunflower field
Mocked by man to depths of shame Little girl with life ahead For a memory of one kind word She would stay among the beasts Time for one more daring dream Before her escape, edenbeam We kill with her own loving heart
Eva flies away Dreams the world far away In this cruel children's game There's no friend to call her name Eva sails away Dreams the world far away The Good in her will be my sunflower field
We made our usual last minute plans to grab a movie today. On my insistence, we chose to watch 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi' at Anand. We had read all the reviews and despite the fact that most reviewers had panned it, we decided to try and see if we could get lucky.
I have to say that I loved the movie. Ok, so Anushka is a real babe and the whole trip was worth it just to see how she acted. I still feel that the overall feel of the movie was nice. When was the last time you saw a movie with characters like these? A timid, well-mannered middle-class man with simple dreams and simple needs. A girl, modern in many ways and yet simple and traditional in a likable way. And a story of their lives Hindi movie ishtyle.
Goes to show that even in today's world there is sense in portraying such characters because people still identify with them. A movie, simple and funny, not gay (no offense), with no violence, with lovely songs, and a star-cast that can make you smile the two and a half hours you sit in the movie hall is definitely worth my time. Like I seem to say a lot nowadays, we need a little more love in our world anyway.
I know a lot of people demanded histrionics and a stronger storyline. Some people even mentioned that they were sick of Shahrukh Khan's style of acting. Some even wondered at how the girl couldn't recognize her own husband. Valid questions I suppose. But... its just a movie guys. How many movies make you come out of the movie hall smiling? It felt nice watching a simple movie like this after so many years. Its a Hindi movie - no go looking for accuracy - situational, factual or logical. Therefore, don't look. Just enjoy!
I just read and commented on a friend's blog. His post was about the ineptitude of our politicians in handling the Mumbai terror attacks. There was so much of hate and frustration in his post. This is a sentiment expressed all over the blogosphere. All of sudden, there is so much of hate, so much of sadness, and so much of frustration. At times, all this is so overwhelming. Everywhere you go, people only talk about this.
Can we have a little peace? Its not so much to ask for. All that hatred is slowly finding its way in to all of our lives. If you're not aware of it yet, I think its time you looked in to yourself and asked yourself if you're the same innocent person you were some time back. Oddly, I don't feel like changing in any way, but I can feel my world change about me. Its a disorienting feeling that leaves you with empty spaces in your heart. I'm not going to let that happen. Time for me to fix my world again.
My PSP is on its way and loads of people already know that because I've been going around like an energizer bunny telling everyone. It should be here a little before New Year. I am getting the Ratchet & Clank Entertainment Pack. This comes with the Ratchet & Clank game. I am also buying the Star Wars: Force Unleashed game. This is among the best things I've been gifted ever. :)
Have you read one of those books where you identify with the character at some level even though the character is different from you in so many obvious ways. Totally loved reading what Arshi, the protagonist of the story felt like in different situations. The best part about this book is that its been authored by a fellow blogger blogger, the Compulsive Confessor. The author of the book and the blog is Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan.
So, some people who read my blog evidently pushed the post on the sarcasm to my whole team and I had some close(r) friends asking me about it. I suppose they felt hurt. I apologize to those it was not intended to hurt. What can I say, shit happens.
This post was not about making a statement and hoping people find it and then spread it around for me. It is personal space and the feelings expressed are personal and are not directed at anyone in particular. While most people had something genuine to write, for others, it was a chore. It has been a chore for them to get to know me better too. So, some of those people just echoed the common sentiment that I am sarcastic. Well, I am to an extent. But the intentions were never to hurt people. I mean, was it so tough for people to see that?
10:30: My grandpa suddenly complained of severe rigor and was unable to breathe. I rushed down and got the oxygen cylinder ready. His breathing steadied a bit. I began to notice that his rigor kept getting worse. Finally, we decided to take him to the hospital. He kept gasping for breath even though we had the oxygen cylinder put to his mouth. I noticed that the cylinder was pretty near empty by the time we were midway to the hospital. I didn't tell him that because I was worried he would panic even more than what he already was. Being an asthmatic, I know what he felt like as he gasped. But, it was scary seeing it from the outside for the first time.
11:30: We're at the hospital. Hes been taken to the E.R. Almost as soon as he was put on the oxygen cylinder there, he began to feel better. Evidently, the little oxygen cylinder we had was not working as well as we had hoped it would. His rigor had subsided quite a bit. I felt a little relaxed knowing that he was better now.
12:00: Panic at the hospital as another patient was brought in. An old man in his sixties, his head hanging to one side and his hand almost falling off the stretcher. I feared the worst but I forced my mind to shut out those thoughts. The old lady and the young man accompanying her clung to eachother anxious to know what has happened. The doctor walked out, slowly and deliberately over to the duo and softly broke the news that the man was no more. It was scary. The womans' wails filled the tiny ER. It was the saddest thing I had ever seen.
01:00: Grandpa is moved in to the ICU. He seems to be fine. I stay back with him while the others leave for home. Grandpa jokes that he thought he was a goner this time. I smiled and told him that I had experienced this many-a-time and that I was still around. He smiled. Barely able to talk, he still found the energy to tell me how glad he was that everything worked out and that he was on his way to recovery. I sat with him for about two hours. You pull a few strings in India, and they even let you sit in the ICU. It was an odd sight. My grandpa lying there in the middle of all the wires and pipes with the machines making a steady and rhythmic tune. I don't want to ever see that again.
03:30: They offered an empty room to get some sleep in. I gladly accepted their offer. My night was slowly coming to an end. I slept deeply. Had a few disturbing dreams (I wont call them nightmares) but they weren't about grandpa. I guess I know that he'll recover and be fine soon. I hope he gets back home soon.
Many a time, I've obsessed about extreme feelings. I feel scared to use words like death or suicide. I've never walked that close to the edge. But, I have felt emotions strong enough to feel pain -- searing, excruciating pain. Makes the mind hallucinate, do things you'd never do. Just anything to get the pain to stop. Darkness that engulfs the mind and the soul - my mind trained to fight it - just making this more difficult than it should be. All I want is reassurance and peace too. Is it too much to ask? Another chance at peace? Why can't I lie to myself like others do? Condemned be the one who has to face his fears daily and not know that there be a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I've moved on ... quite a while back. I was surprised that these feelings suddenly surfaced again. I was listening to this beautiful song then.
Take away the sensation inside Bitter sweet migraine in my head Its like a throbbing toothache of the mind I can't take this feeling anymore
Drain the pressure from the swelling, This sensation's overwhelming, Give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright Tell me that I won't feel a thing So give me Novacaine
Out of body and out of mind Kiss the demons out of my dreams I get the funny feeling, that’s alright Jimmy says its better than here, I’ll tell you what
Drain the pressure from the swelling, This sensation's overwhelming, Give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright Tell me that I won't feel a thing, So give me Novacaine
ho novacaine
Drain the pressure from the swelling, This sensation's overwhelming Give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright Tell me Jimmy I won't feel a thing, So give me Novacaine
How sarcastic am I? Quite sarcastic apparently. At a recent team outing, the guys (more girls than guys really and sadly more girl-like guys than guys too) were supposed to write something each of them wished for me this Christmas. Evidently, the literary geniuses read that as something they wished I would do rather than something they wished for me. Each one of them mentioned that I ought to be less sarcastic and all. What a shit gift to receive and that too from a audience like that.
It was funny that some people thought I would change for them. I mean how asinine are they if they're going to want me to change for them. Evidently, they had their heads much farther up their a$$@$ than I had previously thought.
This time I wonder what it feels like To find the one in this life The one we all dream of But dreams just aren't enough So I´ll be waiting for the real thing. I'll know it by the feeling. The moment when we´re meeting Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen So I`ll be holdin’ my breath Right up to the end Until that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with
`Cause nobody wants to be the last one there. 'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares. Someone to love with my life in their hands. There`s gotta be somebody for me like that.
`Cause nobody wants to go it on their own And everyone wants to know they´re not alone. Somebody else that feels the same somewhere. There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.
Tonight out on the street out in the moonlight And damn it this feels too right It´s just like Déjà Vu Me standin’ here with you So I´ll be holdin`my breath Could this be the end? Is it that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with?
‘Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares. Someone to love with my life in their hands. There´s gotta be somebody for me like that.
`Cause nobody wants to go it on their own And everyone wants to know they´re not alone. Somebody else that feels the same somewhere? There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.
You can´t give up! When you're Lookin´ for a diamond in the rough Because you never know when it shows up Make sure you´re holdin` on ‘Cause it could be the one, the one you´re waiting on
‘Cause nobody wants to be the last one there. And everyone wants to feel like someone cares. Someone to love with my life in their hands. There's gotta be somebody for me Ohhhhhh.
Nobody wants to go it on their own And everyone wants to know they´re not alone. Somebody else that feels the same somewhere? There `s gotta be somebody for me out there.
Nobody wants to be the last one there And everyone wants to feel like someone cares. Somebody else that feels the same somewhere? There's gotta be somebody for me out there.