Finally the moment had come. I was finally, I say FINALLY, getting to go abroad. So, I went half-heartedly to work in the morning, pretended to work, did some work too and was all excited about evening. I left Google at about 3 PM for home. My cab mate for this trip was Dhruv. Loads of chatting and crazy heat and a drive of about an hour, I managed to get home. Had some chaat and then went and got ready. Dad and mom turned up to give me a grand send-off. While packing, I noticed that the medicines I was carrying are prescription drugs. Asthalin? Who'd have thought? So, dad and I rush out on our bikes and head to Sharada nursing home and somehow managed to get a prescription for the medicines. Got back quickly but Dhruv wasn't there yet. Left finally at 6:30 PM. My journey's started baby. The airport is so far far away. Shamshabad is like at the other end of the world. It took us forever (read 2 hours) to get there. The airport is nice and all. Far better than anything I had ever seen. Then again, I had hardly seen anything. The next few days were going to change my perspective. Adios Hyderabad! Mucho Gracias!!!
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